Testimonials: Blowers – Edgers – Tillers – Augers – Support
Note: All product images below are latest model images but the testimonials are for the same Atom current or earlier model category shown for easy reference.
"Age no barrier to using the battery powered edger"

Dear Atom
I had to let you know how happy I am with my new battery powered Atom 315 lawn edger. At 78 years of age I really appreciate its advantages over petrol powered models.
For various reasons my lawn was overgrown and yet I found your edger just sliced through the grass and left me with clean cut edges in no time. It is light weight, quiet, fast and involves no recoil starter or fuel and oil mixing. That’s all great news for someone of my age.
I love my edger.
Hunter Region, NSW
"Recommend your products to everyone"

Dear Atom
Many thanks for the credit on the parts for my Atom edger, which I have now received via “Outdoor power” here in Hastings.
I really appreciate all your help & will certainly continue to tell everyone what a marvelous company you are, & will continue strongly recommending all your products to everyone.
Have a great day.
Kindest regards
Alan Bisson
"I wish I had known about them earlier"

Hi Atom
Thank you for your response and help, also I have had my Atom edger for a number of years now and it is a great machine. I wish I had known about them earlier because they are so easy to use and do a great job.
Thanks again
Gordon McKenna
National Technical Manager
Fasteners & Power Tools
"“Unbelievably reliable”"

Hi Atom
I live on an acre in Melbourne. Lots of paths/driveway. In May 2005 I bought an edger model 415AST which I used weekly.
The unit has never needed to go to the workshop and always, always starts with two/three pulls.
Unbelievably reliable. Great product.
Peter Van
NMelbourne, VIC
"Battery Edger breezes through the job"

Here is a little feedback on the battery edger using the 5 amp battery.
The grass was very thick and long but we already had our channels established.
It took a little over 5 minutes on a fully charged battery and still showed it full once we finished. So if anyone has established edger channels the 2.5 will breeze through the job. Even using a 5 amp with no channels would be lucky to use half its charge.
Narellan Vale, NSW
"I just wanted to take a few minutes to say how happy I am with my new 858"

Hey There,
I just wanted to take a few minutes to say how happy I am with my new 858. Its far and beyond what I had expected. I’d been struggling to find a powerful – relatively light weight blower to replace my 3 year old Shindaiwa in which one of the fan bolts came adrift and destroyed – well, everything. I’m so happy to know that I’m supporting an Australian business that designs AND manufactures here.
Aces Mowing
Margaret River, WA
"Absolutely Amazing Atom"

Dear Atom
My Atom Airlift blower is even better than what the dealer said it was.
Its air blowing power is fantastic which allows me to clean up in half the time of my previous well-known brand of blower. And your Atom blower is so easy to use.
Also it is nice to know it is home grown Australian made that is miles ahead of the rest of the imported blowers from around the world.
Your Atom blower is absolutely an amazing product.
Ian Dowling
"Finally a 2-Stroke Leaf Blower that bloody works!"

Gday Atom Industries
Just wanted to say your two stroke leaf blower which I purchased today from my local supplier – Woolgoolga Mowers at Woolgoolga NSW, does a great job.
We have a fair area of concrete path and driveway to clear of leaves and have always struggled with other blowers not lifting the leaves from the path. Instead of going to Bunnings I called Woolgoolga Mowers and they recommended the 838 blower, so I thought I would give it a go.
Wish I had tried it years ago, the job which used to take me half an hour took about 10 minutes. It has a lot more power than our previous blowers and moves the leaves mush easier and quicker. My wife said it’s a lot quieter also, which the neighbors will be happy about.
Anyway, thanks for a blower that finally works well.
Mark Matheson
Mullaway, NSW
"Rolls Royce type service of a bygone era"

Hi Atom
Thanks again for this info & thanks a mill especially for your follow-up phone call to me to check on the success of your advice in regard to my little drama with the 2nd of my two excellent Atom Blowers, which was definitely ‘above the call.’
It’s an amazingly pleasant surprise in this ‘day & age’ to stumble upon Rolls Royce type service of a bygone era being the norm obviously from Atom Industries. Embarrassing to have to admit my problem was a little ‘kink’ in the fuel line which I originally overlooked & then only stumbled upon after I’d contacted you for troubleshooting advice, which I might add, would have been the very 1st problem I’d found in 5 years of continuous Commercial Usage of these beauty blowers.
Stay Safe
David Fitz
Sydney NSW
"Be proud of your outstanding customer service"

Hello Atom
Thanks so much for getting back to me. I’ve managed to source a guard from a parts supplier. I really like my Atom Blower. I’m happy to pay the extra money for Aussie owned and made tools which are becoming a rarity. Thanks so much again, your company should be proud of your outstanding customer service.
"Very impressed with the power and lack of vibrations"

Hi Atom
What a great product. I went to my local Stihl Dealer in Wangara, WA to buy a Stihl Blower, but the Atom 858 unit was way better. Never seen it before, or seen an advertisement.
The unit is replacing a 9 year old USA model and after the first use I am very impressed with the power and lack of vibrations. Would highly recommend this Atom Blower.
"Miraculous conversion after trying new Atom blower"

I’m writing to you regarding a new blower that I have recently purchased from a local dealer in my area. For the last 30 years I have been using either Stihl or Honda products and have had excellent service out of them. For the last 10 years I’ve been using Honda 4 stroke blowers and brushcutters. All have been faultless. I recently needed a new blower and went to purchase a new Honda. I noticed your product on the shelf but wasn’t interested in it despite the dealer wanting to demonstrate it to me. I was only interested in the product I’ve always used and didn’t want anything to do with your product.
As I was just about to purchase my new Honda blower, the dealer started your product up and told me to have a feel of it. I didn’t want to but I thought “why not”. I had no intentions purchasing it. To my surprise your blower performed so much better than any previous one I’ve ever used. The non twisting action that is in all the other blowers is far less. The anti vibration design is excellent. All this and combined with the proven Honda motor sold me on the spot. I immediately changed my mind and purchased your Blower instead.
I congratulate you on your new improved design blower and I have now been converted. I have a second blower at my other property which is also a Honda, but I think I’ll be changing that in the very near future to an Atom Blower.
Mark Matheson
"I can now clean up in half the time"

Dear Atom
I am a Landscape Contractor in the Snowy Mountains high country, working in the ski resorts as well as in Jindabyne and around the Jindabyne area.
I have been extensively using your Atom blower for over the last 8 months from the extreme hot summer temperatures down to and below freezing in the winter and I have to say that your Atom blower is absolutely fantastic. It starts very easily in all weather, has the strongest air blast I have ever used and I have used all the other brands. Also the high altitude makes no difference to its performance. It almost floats on air and is so comfortable to use with its AV handle with no wrist twisting and it completes clean ups very quickly. On the same properties I can now clean up with blowing in almost half the time.
Your Atom blower must be the smoothest running blower to work with as my long hour’s using it is absolutely no effort. I can see why you won that international gold medal.
Andrew Donkin
"Atom Blower is quieter, smoother and more efficient"

Hi Atom
I just wanted to confirm my call to you regarding my new 855 Blower with Honda 4-Stroke motor. I recently purchased a new Stihl BG86C-e blower from my local mower shop, as I have had these previously.
One week later, and before I started using my BG86C-e, I had the opportunity to try a friend’s Atom 855 blower. I could not believe how much quieter, smoother and more efficient the 855 was compared to the Stihl BG86C-e. So I took the Stihl back to the Dealer and asked if I could pay the extra and buy the Atom 855.
As I am a long standing customer, the Dealer agreed, and I am very thankful to him and to Atom for this very impressive blower.
Leumeah, NSW
"My Atom Blower starts easily and blows really well"

Hi Atom
Thank you for all the effort put into sorting out the blower problem. Have now used the unit twice ( about 2 hrs total) and has not missed a beat. Starts easily and blows really well. My grandson has now bought an Atom Edger and is really impressed with it.
Again, thank you and all the best for your business.
Alexandra Hills, Qld
"My Atom Tiller is used every day"

Hello Atom
My 6 tine Atom Deluxe Tiller is used every day including soil preparation for laying turf.
I calculated that I have tilled a minimum of 150kms with this unit tilling even hard clay lumps to a depth of 75mm-100mm (3”-6”). It is mainly used for restoration of front lawns and nature strips for Integral Energy (local power supplier) in their roll out of the Western Sydney underground power supply.
Jeff Mobbs
"Best Tiller I have ever owned"

Hi Atom
I have now had my 738 tiller for just over a month and assure you that it is the best tiller I have ever owned. My previous tillers have all been Ryobi and when working them it can be a struggle with them to walk forward unless you are only scratching the surface. The 738 digs to a good depth and still moves forward with ease. This morning I worked 26 square metres (over 3 different beds) in 15 minutes and all I had to do was keep my finger on the throttle lever and very gently hold onto the handles. I cannot thank you enough for this machine and would highly recommend it.
"Performing very, very well"

I purchased your entry level tiller FC-5 earlier this year. Just thought that you would like to know that it is performing very, very well. My 74 year old body is pleased that I no longer need to use the shovel and fork to maintain the veggie patch. It is light enough for me to carry about. Once I got used to starting and choke adjustment, I have no issues cranking it over. A delightful machine.
Moe, Victoria
"Greatest Tiller I have ever used"

Hi Atom
Atom is the greatest tiller I have ever used. All the other different brand tillers I used broke down in quick time.
I have recorded my usage of the Atom Tiller and it’s calculated I have walked over 300kms (190 miles) tilling with the Atom in only one season.
Paul Cochrane
Yarra Junction
"It has been freeking unbelievable!"

Hi there
I recently took delivery of one of your 11mm Atom auger bits. My goodness me it has been freeking unbelievable! Better than anything else I’ve ever tried!
Thanks again
"Extremely thankful for your kind help"

“Extremely thankful for your kind help”
Sorry I did not get back to you on the arrival of the assembly. I am extremely thankful for your kind help finding the part that I would need to fix my edger and I am really happy that it all works well now and I can edge my lawns that I do.
You are a good bunch of people and if I ever needed an edger again I would definately buy it from you guys and if you would like to use my testimonial for your website you can use it. It’s all fine with me. Thanks again for your help.
Kind regards
"I wouldn’t part with my 15 year old Edger"

Hi Atom
My name is Michael and I have emailed around part dealers and local dealers. I have an Atom 410 Edger. I need a new set of piston rings for it – JUST piston rings – not the piston itself. I have had this edger for about 15 years and it hasn’t done me wrong. I have been using the right ratio 32:1 with shell 91 and it has been commercially used. Nothing has gone wrong with it and it has been a marvel to use and I don’t want to throw it out please. Reply ASAP.
Kind Regards
"Rolls Royce article"

To all concerned
I feel compelled to write something after receiving my mail today, included in which was a parcel containing the part I enquired about a few days ago.
I find it hard to remember any Company ever doing anything like this for me. OK, it would not be considered to be a “Rolls Royce” article, but I value it very much.
Suffice to say you have restored my faith in Human Nature, and you have made an 84 year old Aussie extremely happy.
Many thanks and good luck to all concened.
Yours Sincerely
Graeme Nessiter